My Sentiments Exactly
You've gotta read this rendition of the Three Bears if you want to understand what my life has been like recently. Link via Basil's Blog.
Growing the World's Cutest Free-Range Kids... and feeding them nothing but crap
You've gotta read this rendition of the Three Bears if you want to understand what my life has been like recently. Link via Basil's Blog.
This weekend, we've got the flag, we've got the fire... we're just not putting the two together. Instead, the fire will be used to light sparkly things that go boom, somewhere near flags. (Actually quite far away from any flag because that could cause a disaster.) Still though, fireworks are more than just fun or danger (or dangerous fun). Fireworks also symbolize that American ability to come up with an idea that lights the world on fire, as our unique form of government has done and is still doing. But there's no time for deep thoughts like that now! I wanna go see the sparklies!
I meant to post a much lengthier post on this topic, since I've posted on it before, but Bill at INDC Journal has two really nice posts about China that I've been saving in Bloglines for quite some time now. Since I don't have much time and am not likely to be able to compose my desired post in a timely manner, I will summarize it in three words:
Bagel turned 1 year old on Monday. I would have blogged about it then, but I've been so busy getting ready for the Virtual Tour, where they take pictures of every room in our house as an online selling tool, which means that every room in the house has to be clean at the same time, a virtually impossible task with three kids living in the house.
It's been a very, very long time since I've watched the Today Show. Mostly that's because, having kids, I either watch no TV in the morning (school days) or watch nothing but PBS (non-school days). But this morning my kids slept late and I couldn't really do much of anything because the virtual tour is today and anything I do would make a mess, so I watched a few minutes of the Today Show. I was promptly reminded why I'd actually rather watch Barney.
Evidently, having a Harry Potter book read to you is the latest form of torture at Guantanamo. (Link via INDC Journal)
FH's employer paid for us to go to Lagoon, a local amusement park. I had several observations about Lagoon that I wanted to blog about.
We caught the mouse last night. I found him this morning in one of the glue traps. I've given Sonshine the assignment of checking all the mousetraps every morning, but I always check them first before he gets up, just in case what he's looking for turns out to be a bloody mess. I mostly gave him the assignment to make him feel important, because he gets so jealous that Princess gets to do more "advanced" chores like watering the plants and emptying the dishwasher.
I wrote to the lady quoted in the article I linked to below about the new biopolishing process for wool. Commenter Miriam had asked why we needed this process if we already had Superwash. I thought that was a good question, so I asked her that. She responded that Superwash is a "chlorination" type process which is not legal in the U.S. That is why Superwash wool is so expensive-- it's all imported from countries with less stringent environmental regulations. The biopolishing process uses less harsh chemicals, lower temperatures, and shorter processing times, so it is a more environmentally friendly process, as well as being easier and cheaper.
We have a mouse in our house. I suspect he hasn't been there very long, since it's only been in the last couple of days that I've seen droppings, and there are not that many droppings around the house, so I suspect it's just him. I think he must have been displaced when we had our flower beds by the house completely stripped of its thick vegetation in order to plant some petunias that I thought buyers might like better, because that's about when I started noticing the droppings. We actually saw him last night, though, scurrying across the living room, headed for Bagel's room. I first saw droppings in Bagel's room near the heating vent, but I've also seen them in the utility room near the door, which is the closest entrance to the flower beds in question.
This post is devoted to documenting the atrocities occurring at GotMilk Prison Camp, located on the secluded grounds of the Organic Baby Farm (itself located in a trailer park in Utah). Bagel is being held prisoner there against his will along with two other children, and torture is performed upon him daily.
Bagel now has a new word, "uh-oh". However, I don't think he quite understands what it means. He keeps using it when nothing's gone wrong. I think he just likes the way it sounds and the way people react when he says it.
Legislators and school officials are being invited to take the UBSCT, Utah's new high school exit exam. I'd take it. I'd also be interested to see them all take it. If it is, as its proponents claim, a decent test of very basic skills that any high school graduate should have, then they should have no problem taking it; and if it is too difficult and full of esoteric specific knowledge as its detractors claim, then the massive failure rate among legislators would serve only to highlight this.
A new process has been devised to make wool un-scratchy, easier to dye, and disinclined to shrink. (Since it'll be able to dye at a lower temperature, I wonder if that means it'll take fiber-reactive dyes better.) The Army wants it to make underwear. Cool stuff!
Summerfest is sucking bigtime. The wind picked up yesterday and nearly destroyed my canopy. I hate this cheap eBay thing. I wish I hadn't been so cheap and had bought that used EZ-UP someone offered me for $100 plus shipping. It had sidewalls, too. I'd been hoping to make enough money to pay booth rent and supplies for my next show and put what's left toward the down payment on the house, but now I'm just praying I make enough to replace this cheap piece of crap so that I can sell stuff at the Gardeners' Market to make enough for a booth fee at another show.
Frank J. linked to this article. I know I'm the very last person to post about Senator Durbin's recent comments, but hey, I'm doing a really big show this week, so please excuse me.
Among the descriptions, the report noted one case in which a detainee was held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another in which a prisoner was held in heat passing 100 degrees, one in which prisoners were left in isolation so long they fouled themselves and one where a prisoner was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.Gee, then by that standard I'm torturing my kids. When they make poor choices of clothing in wintertime and won't change, I make them go out in the clothes they've chosen and they shiver. Heat passing 100 degrees? Everybody in San Antonio, Texas must be laughing right now. Left in isolation so long they foul themselves? That's called "naptime" in Bagel's crib; he has a clean diaper at the beginning of each nap and a dirty one at the end, and it happens every day. Chained to the floor and forced to listen to rap? How about being stuck inside an apartment that you can't leave because your kids are trying to sleep while the neighbor plays his bouncin' stereo?
I sure hope my luck is waiting to meet me at Summerfest, because it isn't with me today. I couldn't run all my errands this morning, the gardening crew arrived just after I bought the flowers but right as I was starting work and couldn't return home to drop them off, the parking office gave me the wrong bus schedule making me 10 minutes late to class, and my baby is teething (I am typing this one-handed while being kicked, pinched, and punched by a screaming Bagel who is trying to simultaneously grab my glass of water).
I ordered a statue of St. Joseph. This is supposed to help you sell your house faster. You bury the statue upside down and facing the house, with the intention to dig it up only when the house sells. Then St. Joseph will be so uncomfortable that he will do anything, including storming the heavens on your behalf, to help you sell your house. When the house sells, you dig up the statue and put it in a place of honor in your home.
I'm on the list of vendors for Summerfest! Yay!
Bagel, now almost 1, is getting some teeth. He got his first lower incisor at ten months, and his second last month. He is now getting a third tooth, but it's not one of his upper incisors like most kids get-- it's one of his upper canines. Those really hurt, because unlike the incisors that only hurt at first, canines cut the gums all the way out. He's been spiking a fever at night the whole time we've been out here, and we've had to pick up some more medicine for him because he's gone through all the medicine we brought for him. During the few times he's permitted me to inspect his gums, I've noticed that the next largest lump in his gums is right behind the canine, where the cuspids will be. So he may be in quite a large bit of teething pain.
I'm actually still on vacation, although not for long. Today is my last day in California; we leave very very early on Sunday morning. Because we got the tickets with frequent flyer miles, there were only so many flights available to us, and I have to start work on Monday morning, and the only flight out that we could take on Sunday was the 6:30 a.m. flight. It's going to be a royal pain dragging all those sleepy kids through the airport at oh-dark-thirty, so I need to make sure I get lots of rest today.
Evidently the MJ trial is very much bigger news out here in California than it is in Utah. There's more media coverage of it. They even had the obligatory interview with one of Jackson's diehard supporters. This guy spoke of how he had quit his job and come down to sit in front of the courthouse every day supporting Michael Jackson. He said (paraphrasing) "Some things are just that important." What I want to know is, what planet were his parents on, that they didn't teach him that of all the things you can do with your life, one of the least meaningful is loitering around in front of a courthouse to support a guy you don't even know?
I'm going on vacation for a week to visit relatives in the Los Angeles area. They do have computers there, but I may or may not decide to blog while there. There are just too many good stores and seafood places. So much sushi, so little time...
Everyone in the blogosphere who has seen this movie has reviewed it on their blog, so now it's my turn. FH took me out to see it last night.