Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Un-Democratic Democrats

The last time I looked it up, "democracy" meant "government by the voice of the people". The main difference between Democrats and Republicans is supposed to be that Democrats support efforts for the direct voice of the people to rule, whereas Republicans support government by popularly elected representatives. So it really pisses me off to see Democrats (well, anyone actually, but especially Democrats) pulling crap like this:

LANSING — Backers of a ban on same-sex marriage in Michigan will have to go to court to get their proposal on the November ballot, following the unexpected and stunning rejection of the group’s petitions by the Board of State Canvassers on Monday.

The Citizens for the Protection of Marriage could find themselves waiting in line for a court date with those who want to see third-party presidential candidate Ralph Nader on the ballot in Michigan. The board also denied Nader a spot on the ballot as an independent. Both issues failed on a 2-2 partisan vote with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed. A majority vote was needed. ...

Democrats who voted against the measure said it could be construed to outlaw domestic partnership benefits, union contracts, common law marriage, the equal protection clause and religious freedom.

“To put on the ballot a proposal that can never be enforced is a lie,” said Doyle O’Connor, a Democratic member of the board. “We have to vote our own conscience.”

Too bad they don't seem to want to extend that privilege to the rest of the residents of Michigan.

Before I became a Republican, I was a Democrat. I signed on to the Democratic party mostly because I believe in the ideal of democracy and I think that people are generally pretty smart, smart enough to make up their own minds at least. Democrats like those on this board are why I'm now a Republican. The Republican party is reputed by many to be the party that most supports oligarchy, but people like these make me wonder whether the Democrats are trying to usurp that role.

An attorney for supporters said the board clearly overstepped its authority when it rejected the proposal based on the substance of the issue. It is supposed to decide simply whether the petition signatures are valid and sufficient, he said.

“Are we going to court? We have no choice,” Eric Doster said. “This was a clear violation of their legal duty.”

Too bad the courts share the same philosophy as these board members nowadays...