Thursday, September 16, 2004

Gardeners' Market Reports

I haven't put up a Gardeners' Market report in a while. I'm not sure anyone's really interested in reading about how we did at the market. If you miss the Gardeners' Market reports, please say so in the comments.

Last week was absolutely horrid for sales, for me at least. M sold a bunch of books and made some good trades. I still have that special order of 10 natural oven mitts and the other order of extra-large burgundy mitts that have not been picked up. I should get the phone numbers out of my cash box and call the people who ordered, to remind them to pick up their orders. I'm sick of hauling those things all over town, hoping they'll come get them.

I've made some profitable trades recently. I traded a pair of mitts for the wooden wand Tiny Princess wanted. I traded a mitt for those divine tomatoes (see post below) and I also traded for a rattle gourd and some honey bears full of local honey.

Tiny Princess doesn't know I got the wand for her, so she's trying to raise enough money to buy it herself. I got her some little organza bags which we filled with dried lavender for sachets. She sold a couple of them last week for a dollar apiece. It's never too early to indoctrinate your kids into capitalism! When I was a kid I used to make and sell needlework... kind of just like I do now... hmm...